Friday, April 13, 2012

ADF 11g: Using Application Module outside ADF Application context

Earlier this week, I had to refactor an existing project, and extract some functionality. The goal was that this code could run outside of our Weblogic server, in a crontab job. So I created a new project, containing a class with a main method. The original code was based on Business Components, so I wanted to use this Oracle ADF specific technology as well.

After all the extraction was done, I created a JAR file of my new project and tried to run my main class. The fist problem I encountered was not having all the necessary JARs on my classpath. Therefor, I created a batch-script (could be Unix as well, but I was working in a Windows environment), setting all necessary JARs on my classpath and launching my main method

set JAVA_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_18\jre


java -classpath %CLASSPATH% my.MainClass

Where YOUR_CLASSPATH is a semicolon-seperated list of all JARs you need. Now the code would compile! But then I ran into the next issue: creating an application module.

I used the default way of creating an Application Module, ie. Configuration.createRootApplicationModule(). While this works inside an ADF application, running a JAR standalone does not provide you with enough context. So I tried a new approach, and manually initialized a context:

String jdbcURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@HOST:PORT:SID";

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

env.put(JboContext.DEPLOY_PLATFORM, JboContext.PLATFORM_LOCAL);

Context ic = new InitialContext(env);

But of course, creating a Context isn't enough to use the Application Module. We need to create that as well, and I did that in the following manner:

// 'defName' is the JNDI name for the application module
// definition from which the root application module is to
// be created
String defName = "my.AppModule";

ApplicationModuleHome home = (ApplicationModuleHome)ic.lookup(defName);
ApplicationModule = (ApplicationModule)home.create();
mbApplicationModule.getTransaction().connect(jdbcURL, dbUser, dbPassword);

DefName is the JNDI name of your application module. This can be found in bc4j.xcfg. Now we can use the ApplicationModule just like we would in an ADF Application context!


  1. Hi Stijn,

    Thanks for the blog. I am trying to implement the same in our application. I am trying to invoke application module from a standalone java class, I followed the steps you mentioned, but I am NOT able to compile my java class. Please let me know your email id, so that I can send you my sample application for a quick look, if thats fine for you.

    Looking forward for your email. Thanks for blog AGAIN.

    Best regards,

    1. Hey Satya,

      May email is stijnhaus at Feel free to contact me and send the sample code!

